Friday, November 07, 2008


I've added a new fractals picture to my title space.

Thought it looks nice.

Basically, a fractal is a pattern that continuously repeats itself within itself. Interesting isn't it?

Kinda make me rethink the way we look at things.

Perhaps at some point in time we may see things like our lives, the project we have to do, some people, in one way. Perhaps we're just not getting the full point of view.

Maybe beyond what we see and what we are so damn sure that is right, there is more.

Anyway I just thought that the picture looks nice.




刚刚喝了2 shots of whiskey。 正要喝the third shot。忽然有些感触。所以就来这儿发发牢骚。

Whiskey 是个非常奇妙的东西。当你闻它的时候,它散发着一种甜甜的气味。但你知道它绝不是一盏省油的灯。

喝了第一个shot后, 你会觉得很舒服。


虽然如此,我还是把酒给喝了。 你说人是不是一个自讨没趣的动物?


现在第三个shot正摆在我面前。我知道我一定会把它喝下。 我知道我的酒量没这么差。

它那辣辣的味道会在我的嘴里徘徊。 热热地感觉会从肚子直冲鼻子留下淡淡的麦香。

喝了这第三个shot之后会怎么样?我想应该没事吧。就像平常一样。 爬上床睡觉。。。