Thursday, August 23, 2007

Definition of "Blubber"

Was Googling the word "Blubber".

Expected a whole bunch of cute stuff to come up. Well, let's just say things didn't go as planned...

Blubber is a thick layer of vascularized fat found under the skin of all cetaceans, pinnipeds and sirenians.
~~from wikipedia
I mean if it were something more normal I wouldn't have been too surprised. But it had to be some fatty tissue on some unknown deep sea shell like life-form unknown to much of mankind. Haha!
Don't be too sad dear...

1 comment:

Joanne said...

I knew that all along... blubber is dense dense fat... haha.. used to keep animals like polar bears warm & seals... but at least it is usually associated w cute animals... =) besides... Blubber is called what he is cuz he is FAT!!! and cute too... =)