Monday, July 16, 2007

Anything la....

Ever had someone tell that you don't have an opinion of your own when you say, "Anything la."

Do you agree with them?

Well I don't. Not always anyway.

"Anything" means that under the given circumstances, the choices available don't make much of a difference. Not just not much of a difference in terms of the initial and final state of affairs; but in terms of means as well.

I mean, at least you know that, in your best judgement, all the choices don't really make a difference. And you can live with making any of the choices.

Of course I understand how the image of not having your own opinion comes about. That occurs when you say "anything la" when you just want to follow other people's ideas. There is a very very subtle difference to such a mindset that makes a world of a difference.

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